 WWII Jeep Bantam T3 Trailer Before

Retoring the World War II jeep trailer axle can be a little challenging finding missing parts. The clean up and repair is pretty easy.

Wire brush axle and springs

Prep springs for Acid bath

Springs in Acid bath

Springs in Acid bath closeup

Final prep springs

Final prep springs

Primer springs

Final Paint Springs

Final prep springs (again)

Inspecting Brakes Mechanism Passenger

Inspecting Brakes Mechanism driver

Brake passenger side inspection

Brake passenger side inspection

Brake passenger side inspection

Brake passenger side inspection

Brake passenger side inspection

Brake passenger side inspection

Passenger brake assembly

Passenger brake assembly

Passenger brake assembly

Axle inspection/clean

Replace wheel bearings

Driver brake hub

Driver brake hub

Replace Brake Assembly

Replace Brake Assembly

Replace Brake Assembly

Replace Brake Assembly

Replace Brake Assembly

Replace Brake Assembly

Replace Brake Assembly